Dental Implants: Restore Your Smile and Confidence with Expert Implantology at Midtown Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

With the help of dental implants, you can smile and speak with confidence, while improving your ability to chew, and maintaining your oral health. The benefits can be tremendous.

Dental implants represent one of the biggest breakthroughs in dental care in recent decades.

More than 100 million Americans are missing teeth. For these people, even a simple smile can be a challenge. Missing or damaged teeth can cause problems with eating, social embarrassment, and loss of confidence.. Missing teeth can also cause the surrounding bone to deteriorate and become smaller over time, which can cause changes in your appearance, and can even cause bone loss around other teeth. Continued bone loss in your upper and lower jaw can also cause your dentures to fit poorly. When teeth are lost due to decay, infection or trauma, dental implants can be placed in the ridge of the upper or lower jaw. Your dentist then restores the implant with a crown that functions and looks like a normal tooth. This will allow you to chew normally and help prevent future bone loss. Dental implants have been proven to provide a reliable, lasting solution to tooth loss. When multiple teeth are missing, dental implants can also be used to create a bridge. For those who wear dentures, dental implants can be used to anchor your dentures to allow for better function and fit. These are all reasons why dental implants are an important part of the care we provide at Midtown Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery.

Guided Implant Surgery

With the use of 3-D imaging, we create custom guides that allow more accurate implant placement.

Get Teeth in a Day: The All-On-Four Concept

We work closely with a local prosthodontist to provide full arch dental implants that allow you to walk away from our office the same day with dentures that are anchored to your jaw. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, call 512-992-1378.