Maxillofacial Surgery: The Advanced Level of Care You Need for Excellent Results

Surgery that treats problems affecting the structure of the face and jaws is called “maxillofacial” surgery. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are specially trained to perform a wide variety of maxillofacial procedures, including both functional and aesthetic.

Our surgeons take special interest in treating conditions affecting the jaws and bite. Whether you have a functional problem, such as a bite dysfunction (also known as a “malocclusion”), or you’re interested in changing the appearance of your jawline or chin, our caring doctors have extensive training and years of experience you can rely on. That’s why hundreds of people in Austin and Central Texas have trusted Midtown Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery for their surgical care.

Learn more about the types of maxillofacial surgery we perform:

The maxillofacial conditions we treat include:

  • Congenital jaw defects
  • Anomalies of the teeth and face
  • Bite dysfunction, also known as malocclusion
  • Underdevelopment of the lower jaw, also known as mandibular hypoplasia
  • Backward upper jaw position, also known as midfacial retrusion or maxillary hypoplasia
  • Cysts and growths of the oral cavity, jaw, or face
  • Jaw-related sleep apnea
  • Jaw problems caused by pathology or trauma

A strong commitment to your maxillofacial surgical care

At Midtown Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, we know that successful treatment calls for a strong commitment to each individual patient. We take a genuine interest in your care, and do everything we can to make sure your experience is as comfortable as possible. That means treating you like a member of our own family.

Dr. Jenkins checking patients teeth

Our doctors are up to date with the latest surgical advances and technological innovations, including CT guided surgery and 3-D surgical treatment planning. Our state-of-the-art office provides CT imaging on site.

Our staff is fully trained in general anesthesia and intravenous sedation, and we operate in major hospitals in the Austin area. We closely monitor each of our patients, until they are safely discharged from the office or hospital. We continue to follow your progress as you return to your normal life.

For more information, or to schedule an appointment, call 512-992-1378.